Cabins and campsites with Direct Access to West Virginia's Hatfield and McCoy Trails.
(304) 395-0000 CALL NOW to reserve your ADVENTURE
Cabins and campsites with Direct Access to West Virginia's Hatfield and McCoy Trails.
(304) 395-0000 CALL NOW to reserve your ADVENTURE
We will purchase ALL MILITARY MEMBERS, who are staying at Ivy Branch ATV Resort, a Hatfield & McCoy Trail Permit.
So, all military members lodging, for 2 or more nights, at IVY BRANCH ATV RESORT will receive a complimentary Hatfield McCoy Trail permit in appreciation for your commitment and service to our great country and for your selfless service!
We, like Wild Willies ATV REZORT, sincerely appreciate your service.
1. You MUST BE ELIGIBLE for the Hatfield & McCoy Trails' MILITARY DISCOUNT PERMIT;
2. You must be lodging at IVY BRANCH ATV RESORT for two or more nights;
3. You must present a Valid military photo ID upon checking in;
4. The Hatfield and McCoy TRAIL PERMIT can only be issued in person, to a military member for his or her sole use and onsite at IVY BRANCH ATV RESORT with proper photo Id.
Ride Ivy • Your Adventure Begins HERE
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